Thursday, February 28, 2013

Are you stressed?

Everyone is effected by stress in different ways. Stress can be a positive - keeping us alert but many times we react to stress in a negative way. The effects on our minds and bodies can include:
  • upset stomach
  • headaches
  • high blood pressure
  • chest pain
  • loss of sleep
  • substance abuse
I know personally as a mom I feel guilty when I take a little time for me but found I am able to be better at life in general when I do. Taking time out for you - even if its to pamper yourself at home - is important!

Perfectly Posh allows you to Pamper yourself when YOU can fit it in - in the morning, before bed, or while the kids are doing homework! Our products are easy to use and make you feel fabulous! So go ahead - take a look - see what will relax you the most and make time for you!

Lots of love!

follow me on facebook for all sales updates and info!  or on twitter @lovingposh

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