Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Celebrate Mothers Day Posh Style!

Mothers Day is coming and what better way to show Mom you care then amazing spa quality products that are good for her?!

Here are some ideas for you! Want to order? let me know! I would be happy to help you pick out the perfect gift!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Caffeine Please!

Caffeine is not just to perk you up in the morning anymore! Perfectly Posh has several products that contain caffeine which is known to be a anti inflammatory. Caffeine also aides in constricting blood vessels to reduce redness, reduce puffiness (think under eyes!) and can temporarily reduce the appearance of cellulite.

The products that contain caffeine  include

Moisture 911:

 A fabulous face fast! An infusion of moisture and energy for Pretty skin everyday. Glycerin-loaded with an added caffeine kick to tighten and brighten - wake up your face!
Slap! Mango Caffeine Bombinator:  

Wired Mango Slaps Cellulite!
Need to brighten up your old skin? Do it with a slap. A mango delight perked up with caffeine that's just what you need to stop evil cellulite in it's tracks. 

The Caffeinator Skin Stick: 

Shock tired eyes and face into place with daily use of The Caffeinator. This nourishing formulation is perfect for perking up skin during long days or after a short night's sleep.

Karma Body Creme - Sassyooma: 

Natural skin care gets twisted with karma - bending goodness - add a kick to your mood. Enjoy our luxurious sulfate-free Body Creme -  Sassyooma is a moisture intense body creme with tightening caffeine. 

Want more info? Just let me know!  

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Natural Makeup

Now that I have switched my skin care to a paraben, paraffin, sls free line (and Perfectly Posh is just amazing besides all that!), I am looking for a natural make up line that will be in line with Posh. Have you tried anything that is good and not CRAZY expensive? I found several I was thinking of trying but was hoping to get some great recommendations!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Why Wednesday!

 I want to share my "Why I joined Perfectly Posh" with y'all :)

 Before joining Posh I had sold for other Direct Sales Companies - some well known, others - not so much. From these experiences I really learned what I wanted from a company and what I did not.

I believe everything happens for a reason. I met my sponsor through my last DS company I was with. While the relationship with the company was short lived  -  the relationships I built with my team were stronger then ever. I began looking for a company I could trust, believe in and had customer service as a number 1 priority. The more I learned about Perfectly Posh the more I was intrigued. My sponsor sent me some samples and as soon as I opened the package I smelled the amazing products.  I thought "I hope they feel as good as they smell!". After going through and trying the products  - I KNEW these products were high quality and I would be something I would be proud to share. I fell in love with the products and adore this company.

If you are interested in the business part of Posh I would love to discuss it with you! Only $99 to join this fabulous company! You receive everything you need to get started - products, business supplies and the support from the most amazing team in the world! Please let me know if you want more info!!

Connect with my on facebook at
on Twitter at
pinterest: Lovingposh
or by email

Friday, March 22, 2013

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

What are these chemicals and why are they bad?

When I first heard of Perfectly Posh I had no clue what Parabens, SLS, Paraffins, Lanolin, etc were let alone why they were bad for me. After learning about them and the effects I am PROUD to say I use Posh and love sharing it with the world!

So what are these chemicals and products and why are they bad? Let me enlighten you!

Paraben: This is a preservative. It is frequently referenced as methyl, ethyl, propyl, butyl, isopropyl and isobutylparaben. These preservatives are effective in preventing the growth of fungi and bacteria. Parabens have been used for decades to preserve the shelf life of cosmetics as well as foods. Parabens have been implicated in links to breast cancer. It also is known to mimic estrogen. The FDA has classified methyl and propylparaben as Generally Regarded As Safe (GRAS). The European Commission does not allow for parabens to be used as cosmetic preservatives. There is no direct link to cancer yet, but better be safe. We use all natural preservatives (Vitamin E is the main one).  (Cosmetics·

SLS:  SLS stands for Sodium Lauryl Sulfate or Sodium Laureth Sulfate or Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate. This is found in most products that foam up, like many soaps, shampoos, detergents, and toothpastes. It has been known to irritate skin if left on for a prolonged period of time (EWG's Skin Deep Cosmetics Database).Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES) is linked with toxic impurities and contaminants such as Dioxane which is a known carcinogen. The Canadian government has listed Dioxane on its Domestic Substance List with a Moderate Health Priority (EWG's Skin Deep Cosmetics Database)·

Paraffin: Paraffin (wax) is derived from petroleum. These waxes are used in many cosmetic products such as lipsticks, baby products, makeup, sunscreen and nail care. The waxes are used to thicken cosmetics and to prevent them from becoming brittle (Cosmetics

Lanolin: Lanolin is the oil based that helps to keep a sheep dry and is extracted from sheep’s wool. When purified,   it is used as a base for ointments and creams. It is also used for preserving leather and as an ingredient in varnishes and paints. Lanolin can trigger eczema or dermatitis on very sensitive skin. The National Library of Medicine HazMap lists Lanolin as a “known human immune system toxicant“ and the Canadian government has listed Lanolin on its Domestic Substance List for its “uncertain environmental toxin and uncertain persistent or bioaccumulative” (EWG's Skin Deep cosmetics database)·

Soy. Why soy free? People with soy allergies can react to soy beauty products!·

Gluten. Gluten allergy? Same as soy, if you have celiac disease, our products would work well for you with no flare ups from Gluten interactions.·

No animal by-products used. Not tested on animals either! Except for products using milk or beeswax, our products are VEGAN!·

We fragrance with high-quality perfumes and essential oils.·

Best of all, everything is made in the USA!
You can get your Perfectly Posh on my website at 
 and connect with me on facebook!

Works CitedCosmetics (n.d.).

Retrieved from (n.d.).
Retrieved from's Skin Deep cosmetics database. (n.d.).
Retrieved from's Skin Deep Cosmetics Database. (n.d.).
Retrieved from's Skin Deep Cosmetics Database. (n.d.).
Retrieved from

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Are you stressed?

Everyone is effected by stress in different ways. Stress can be a positive - keeping us alert but many times we react to stress in a negative way. The effects on our minds and bodies can include:
  • upset stomach
  • headaches
  • high blood pressure
  • chest pain
  • loss of sleep
  • substance abuse
I know personally as a mom I feel guilty when I take a little time for me but found I am able to be better at life in general when I do. Taking time out for you - even if its to pamper yourself at home - is important!

Perfectly Posh allows you to Pamper yourself when YOU can fit it in - in the morning, before bed, or while the kids are doing homework! Our products are easy to use and make you feel fabulous! So go ahead - take a look - see what will relax you the most and make time for you!

Lots of love!

follow me on facebook for all sales updates and info!  or on twitter @lovingposh

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Fundraiser for Team Alex!

I am currently having a fundraising event for a 10 month old baby boy names Alex. My husband went to highschool with Alex's dad so this really hit home for him and we wanted to try and do our part to help! This is the facebook page created for Team Alex

I decided to hold a raffle fundraiser event on facebook - tickets are only $5 and we will have 3 winners! Winners 1 & 2 will each receive a $100 credit to spend on posh products (tax/shipping not included) and winner 3 will get hostess benefits on a $200 party. Team Alex will receive a donation of $300! If you would like to participate or want more info on the event - go to my facebook page

while you are there - like it ;)

Thanks and have a poshtastic day!


Caffeine please!

 We have the most amazing line of products that contain caffeine - what does that help with? Dark, puffy circles, redness, sagging skin and cellulite. Do you want more info on our products containing caffeine? Let me know! I would be happy to introduce you to the caffeinated products!! These are just a couple of the caffeine products we have!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Welcome to my Loving Posh blog! I am so excited to be part of Perfectly Posh and thought this was a great way to discuss the products I a have fallen in LOVE with as well as healthy living :) Thank you for joining me in this journey to better living! If you want to check out the products you can view them on my website 
